
You have to love it!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Have to show our agates.

Usually when we are on the beach, we don't show our finds to people ...unless they ask. It can be discouraging if you hunt all day for agates and people find them and seem to rub in your face that you just overlooked a great rock! Also when we have shown our finds to people, the next thing we know they are actually hovering over our we do the work and they simply pick up the treasures. It hardly seems fair! Beach combing 101 etiquette... Be courteous.
Anyway....we had a geat trip to Gold Beach in February.

Agate Hunting Oregon Beach April 2010

Tommy and I had a great week-end in Oregon. He surprised me. He told me we were driving to Crescent City CA
and when we got there, he just kept driving North until we reached the beach in Oregon and we spent our time looking for agates and eating Chinese from Wong's Cafe( Gold Beach).

February trip To Oregon

These are our finds on the beach in February 2010. These are great pieces of petrified wood.